Different types of medical licenses:
A Quick Guide

There are several different licenses that can be earned through medical school and graduate training, but what does it all mean? Find out how you’ll need to fulfill the requirements for each type before deciding on one path.

We are here to help you get your medical license! With our reference guide, we provide information on how each type of license works and what the appropriate steps would be for getting licensed. We can also advise which path might suit best in terms doing so with care but at an affordable price point.

Permanent Medical License

Permanent medical licenses are a necessary component of the healthcare profession. They offer stability and security for physicians, allowing them to work anywhere in their state that they have privileges without having an additional license or certification requirement from each individual hospital where you want to practice.

A permanent Medical License is typically good for one year, but some states require more than others so it’s important figure out what’s right before applying because there isn’t reciprocity between different states’ boards.

Temporary Medical License

Temporary Medical licenses are a way for physicians to work in another state while their permanent applications processed. If there is no derogatory information on file, most boards will issue them as long they need until the applicants receive their FCVS results and other paperwork from within or outside of licensing authority control.

The temporary medical license expiration date should be limited so that it does not facilitate unlicensed practice where someone may have otherwise received full privileges had he/she waited longer than necessary without receiving any kind guidance about what steps needed taken next.

How HPLS Help Physicians Get Licensed

We’ll take care of the paperwork, and then our licensing team will handle everything for your application to be processed quickly so that it can get approved without any hassle or delay! We have a team of experts who can help you through the process. Let us handle your medical licensing so that all focus is on what matters most – delivering top-quality care!

Our team contacts your credentials holders to verify procedures, submit formal requests, and organize our efficient follow-up methods. Keeping clients up-to date with each phase their applications as it goes through procedure is just one way that we provide them professional service!

Instead of wasting time trying to figure out the medical licensing process on your own, just send us what you need, and we’ll take care of everything for you.

Please call us at (877) 797-4439 to learn more about the types of medical licenses we help our clients obtain.